At the company I work for, we recently launched a pixel-y status board called "Display" that immediately caught my eye: It runs a custom app on the Tidbyt platform and was a successful
Step by step tutorial demonstrating how to make a self-contained lightbox to illuminate photos or other art. Using a shadowbox and battery-powered LED light strips, learn all the materials and steps on how to make one for yourself.
A neat thing about the MatrixPortal after you install CircuitPython on it, is that it's super easy to start writing projects. Plugging in the board mounts a USB mass storage device called CIRCUITPY:
Wherein I embark on my first ever hardware project, programming an LED panel. Using the Adafruit MatrixPortal M4, I'm going to explore the world of LED matrices, Arduino, and CircuitPython.
Step-by-step guide on how to livestream with multiple cameras, microphone, and background music. Using your MacBook and free software, I'll guide you through setting up the video, audio, and overlays, for a professional looking livestream for Google Meet.